(a) BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS)
By Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong, 2011 @ ekoparty Security Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Decrypts secure cookies against CBC mode (i.e AES or 3DES) in TLSv1
(b) CRIME (Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy)
By Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong, 2012 @ ekoparty Security Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina
leverages compression side-channel, recovers the HTTP request headers
Injects partial chosen plaintext (CPA) into a victim’s requests + measures the size of encrypted traffic
HTTP-level compression: gzip (RFC 1952), defalte (RFC 1951)
Mitigated by disabling TLS/SPDY compression
- Wiki: 2. Tor and BEAST: 3. Schneier’s Article: 4. Generic attacks with compression:
(c) BREACH (Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext)
By Angelo Prado, Neal Harris, and Yoel Gluck, 2013 @ Blackhat 2013
leverages compression, takes advantage of HTTP responses
- Mitigated by:Disabling HTTP compression
- Separating secrets from user input
- Randomizing secrets per request
- Masking secrets (effectively randomizing by XORing with a random secret per request)
- Protecting vulnerable pages with CSRF
- Length hiding (by adding random number of bytes to the responses)
- Rate-limiting the requests
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